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“ComfortDelGro as one of largest land transport companies in the world have partnered with Ranosys to drive their digital journey towards success. Ranosys designed and developed the Intranet Portal as a part of their digital journey.”
ComfortDelGro is one of the largest land transport companies in the world and currently it is operating in seven countries with a capacity of 41,600 vehicles. ComfortDelGro group was established in 2003 by merging two land transport companies named Comfort Group and DelGro Corporation where both companies had successful history starting from 1970’s.
ComfortDelGro group’s business mainly consists of bus, taxi, rail, car rental and leasing, automotive engineering services, inspection and testing services, driving centres, non-emergency patient transport services, insurance broking services and outdoor advertising. In order to carry out the specified businesses ComfortDelGro holds a global workforce of 24,329. ComfortDelGro group holds multiple achievements in their journey and currently focusing on achievements on digital transformation journey.
Website : www.comfortdelgro.com
Industry : Transportation

ComfortDelGro group globally holds a workforce of 24,329 out of that entire workforce the highest portion holds in Singapore with a workforce of 13,773. Therefore when managing such a considerable amount of workforce many challenges are faced. Below are few of main challenges faced by ComfortDelGro.
- Lack of collaboration among all employees and results in delay of information dissemination.
- Internal employees who have corporate emails face difficulties in connecting with external employees who do not have corporate emails.
- Increased paper wastage due to printed version of Newsletters, publications, announcements etc.
The main goal of this project is to build an intranet portal for the ComfortDelGro employees for an effective and efficient collaboration. Improvement in strategized day to day executions and higher employee engagement can be considered to be another goal of the intranet portal. This portal was considered as a significant milestone in their digital journey.

Key Features
- Divisional Group OD Intranet Portal contains the following components
- Announcement App Web Component
- Calendar Web Component,News and Events Component
- Photo Gallery Component,Videos Gallery Component
- Quick View Component,Theme,Search Bar
- Global Navigation Bar - Users were able to navigate to other respective pages through this Global Navigation Bar
- Intranet Portal Admin Back-end , admin users were able to manage the dynamic content of the Intranet portal.
The Results
The successful launch of SharePoint Online intranet portal for a particular department ComfortDelGro experienced the following results of that department and even decided to roll-out to all other divisions as well as to roll-out to other business units as well. The results are as follows;
- Increased collaboration among all employees and as a resulted information was shared timely and effectively.
- Huge reduction of paper wastage since printed Newsletters, publications, announcements etc. were changed to e-documents and shared using SharePoint Online Intranet portal.
- No difficulty for the internal employees to connect with external employees who do not have corporate emails.
- Allows internal employees to collaborate among the teams effectively and efficiently.
- Admin users are able to communicate with the internal employees in a timely and more accurate way.
Technology stack
Frameworks & Tools

Server Side


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